Inspired by trees

About the exhibition
Reaching skywards and deep into the earth, trees are a source of inspiration to an ever-growing number of artists - and a constant reminder of the beauty and fragility of the Nature they love.
The exhibition brings together nine members of The Arborealists, contemporary artists who have a special affinity for trees, with the work of David Rolt (1916-1985), who is being recognised as a “proto-Arborealist”.
The show opens with a private view at Burgh House, Hampstead, London NW3 1LT on June 1st and runs till Sunday June 13th 2021. On the walls and online there are more than 50 paintings in the exhibition, representing a great diversity of technique, subject and style.
You can see a sample of them in our exhibition news page.
For a more comprehensive viewing please take a look at the video .
If you are interested in acquiring any of these fine works or would like to know more, please contact Robert Eagle on 020-8995-1884 or
NB Burgh House has rather eccentric opening hours: Wednesday - Sunday 10am - 4pm. You enter via the gate at the side of the house. More details on the Burgh House website. There is a great cafe there which is open slightly longer.
Title image: White Wood, Holne, Dartmoor 2020 by Jacqueline Wedlake Hatton
A sample of the works in the exhibition:
View from a country house window, by David Rolt
London plane tree, by Melissa Scott-Miller